Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finding out how we deal with stress....

In every match, there are going to be stressful moments. Whether your winning, losing, or its a tight game, how you handle stress and adjust to it can make the difference between being a winner and a loser!  We're so lucky to have an amazing sports psychologist who we work with. Every week, we talk about how we can perform better in practice, set goals, how we can better motivate ourselves and also, when we get into a stressful situation, how do we deal with it.  Adrienne (our sports psych) attached these weird little cables to our earlobes, our fingers, our head and the back of our necks to monitor how we dealt with different computer simulations that put us in different stressful situations!  Beth (another Team Canada player) helped me out by filming!  We couldn't film the whole thing but check out all the cords connecting my head to the computer...

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